Five Ways To Unplug After Work

You’ve just clocked out of your ninth Zoom meeting, packed lunches for tomorrow, and somehow managed to answer 47 unread texts (most of them from your mom’s group chat). Your brain feels like a browser with 82 tabs open, and your shoulders? Let’s just say they’re doing their best impression…

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Tantrum Calm-Down Strategies

Let’s be real: You’re standing in the cereal aisle at Target, your cart filled with half your paycheck’s worth of Goldfish crackers and Paw Patrol bandaids, when your sweet little angel suddenly morphs into a screaming, floor-flailing, “I WANT THE BLUE CUP NOT THE GREEN ONE” tornado. Your face burns.…

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Teach Kids Money Management

Helping children understand money management is one of the most valuable life skills you can provide. Research shows that money habits often form between the ages of 6 and 64, making early education crucial. By introducing concepts like allowances and savings, you set the stage for a lifetime of financial…

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